What you need to know to make the right decision

Choosing the right hearing aid is a personal process that requires detailed and extensive information from a hearing specialist. As you investigate your options, please take a moment to learn how hearing aids are compared to each other.

The characteristics of your hearing loss

The nature and severity of your hearing loss will play an important role in choosing the right hearing aid that will provide the best possible listening experience.

Your lifestyle

Think about your work and your activities during your spare time. Does your hearing loss make any of these habits difficult or impossible? Now identify your needs and set some priorities. The characteristics of your basic acoustic environments can also help you narrow down your choices.

Your technological requirements

Today’s hearing aids cover a wide range of designs. Some models offer manual dimmers. Others automatically adapt to new acoustic conditions.

Most hearing aids process sound digitally and allow its completion to fit the acoustic needs of the user.

When choosing a hearing aid, sound quality should be taken into account. However, not every technological advancement benefits every hearing loss, and even basic hearing aids can provide adequate sound quality. Ask your hearing aid applier to assess the level of sophistication you need.

Your physiology

Physical factors can influence the selection of a hearing aid. The shape and size of the ear canal can make the implementation of a particular type of headset difficult for some users. For example, if your hearing channel is extremely narrow, a hearing aid into the ear canal may not be the best fit.

One ear or two?

If your hearing loss is limited to one ear, you may only require one hearing aid. Although both age-related and noise-related hearing loss affect both ears, the headset profile for each ear may differ.

In general, double application is the most effective. It makes it easier for the user to distinguish between sounds and determine which direction the sound is coming from. Furthermore, some of today’s digital technology is only available with the use of two hearing aids.
Today, roughly two-thirds of new users choose dual application. When compared to those who purchased a single hearing aid, these users report a higher level of satisfaction.

Ease of Use

Smaller hearing aids are more subtle, but they can be more difficult to use. If you have insight and skill in challenges, you might want to try a larger device that adjusts automatically.

Appearance of the hearing aid

There is a variety of sizes and styles for acoustic devices. Some hearing aids are applied discreetly behind your ear, while others are so small they are almost completely hidden. Remember: Others may be less aware of the hearing aid from you.

Cost and value

Your hearing aid is more than just a piece of plastic that houses cutting-edge technology. It is an investment in your quality of life, in your ability to fully participate in your relationships, at work, and in your activities.

Consider what you most value in a sound solution. Is it cutting-edge technology? Is it the ease of use and comfort? Setting your priorities and expectations will help you decide how much money to spend on your headset device.

Hearing aids typically range in price from several hundred to several thousand euros. Prices typically reflect the level of research and development that has occurred for the specific product as well as the quality of its ingredients.
Hearing aids that are the smallest and most technologically advanced can sometimes cost more. However, most people can find a high-quality hearing aid that meets their needs within a reasonable price range.

The price of a hearing aid may or may not include services provided by your hearing aid provider such as testing, mold manufacturing, implementation, and ongoing monitoring. Make certain that you fully understand the services that are included so that you can make an informed decision.

Professional advice

The quality of your acoustic experience is heavily influenced by the services and monitoring you receive after purchasing your hearing aid. That is why it is critical to work with a reputable hearing aid applier and manufacturer who can provide you with the dependability and quality of service you deserve.

A reputable hearing aid applier will assist you in selecting the hearing aid that is best suited to your needs and requirements. They will create a model of your acoustic channel, select the appropriate hearing aid, and adjust it to fit snugly.

Warranty and Repair information

Most hearing aids are accompanied by a guarantee and warranty repair. Before proceeding to purchase, check the warranty on your headset device by making some questions about:

  • The length of warranty
  • The possibility of an extended warranty
  • Information on what is included and what is not
  • If you are provided with hearing aids until your repair is completed.
  • Returns policy
  • Hearing aid loss protection
  • Customer/patient help line


Training program

Using a hearing aid requires retraining the brain to hear sounds that it has not heard in a long time. Your hearing aid applier can assist you in making the transition to this new way of hearing easier.

Service process

Choose a hearing aid that is accompanied by a network of experienced technicians for repairs and adjustments. Ensure that all repairs will be made ​​quickly and accurately. Ask about possible replacement of your headset device at the time of repair. Once you get used to the changes made by hearing aids you will not want to live a moment without them.